


When I was 12, my parents left China to live in the United States of America. I stayed in NanJing, lived a quiet life with my maternal grandmother. During this period, studying, reading and drawing became the most fulfilling parts of my life. I took everything that I could find as my reference base. I started to be curious and thus worked with a spirit of exploration. I’ve learned by myself many things that school did not teach – like all kinds of mythologies.

At the age of 14, I left China to meet my parents who had decided to live in Canada. I gave away my collection of 349 books. But all the ideas that I have learned from them will accompany me forever. Once I arrived in Canada, I decided to change my closed, lonely life. I opened my mind toward the new world. Computer science became my new interest.

Once my formal study was completed, I decided to obtain a CAE in 2D/3D animation in order to link my two forces: Art and Technology. Right now, I feel ready to start my own creation and change the world by showing my own ideas.