Let's talk
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Where was I?
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Sound of silence

Many may ask where was I during all this time?

I just built my blog and then got lost myself.

Well, lots of things happened.

The reason that I built this blog was I was helping a friend to build his

first blog, so I tried to learn how to build a blog myself :)

Now, I have a Chinese blog built and update every week at:


I lost my job during this period so I am looking for a new position.

All this caused my absence for my English blog so far.

I feel sorry for it and I should spend more time for my English blog.

Wish me luck then :)


Zhen Chen



Posted by zchenh at 10:52 AM EDT
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
First text

Well, since this is the first text in this blog, I have no big stuff to say.

Welcome and have fun, everybody!

Posted by zchenh at 3:54 PM EST

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