It is really sad to announce that I have to stop updating my English blog 《Let's talk》. The main reason is the following:
On October 2nd 2013, I post one new blog text with many pictures, which caused a total 2280Kb memory space used for blog section and got an error message which said I was run out of visual disk space for upload. To save the situation, I deleted this newest text together with 2 other earlier texts. Guess what? Instead of get some free memory space back, I got report that 2359Kb was currently in use for blog and I lost another 1% of my total 20Mb space! The situation is not got improved since then. I really do not know how Tripod Hosting made such an illogical calculation -- at least it seems very illogical to me. To showing my anger, therefore I decided stop updating this English blog forever. I hope my friends will understand that this decision was made and based on the circumstance out of my control. Please do not feel sad as I did. You can keep enjoy my pictures sharing in both news section and my Chinese blog photo album section (See links below).
All my best wish for you!
Zhen Chen